Michael DeBellevue

I’m a research mathematician, math educator, pianist, composer, and someone who does stuff with computers and code (not enough to call myself a software developer, but I’ve written code sometimes).

I currently am a postdoc at Syracuse University. My research is in commutative and homological algebra, with an emphasis in using methods from other disciplines of math (namely, combinatorics and topology) to understand homological invariants of rings and ring homomorphisms. For more about my research, check out my research page!

I earned my PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in August of 2022, advised by Alexandra Seceleanu and Mark Walker. Right now, I’m a Philip T. Church postdoc at Syracuse University, working with Claudia Miller and Dan Zacharia.

I’m a firm believer in the value of active learning at all levels of math instruction. I also am a firm believer in taking action to make mathematics a more inclusive research discipline. It’s important for mathematicians to be aware of the recent historical role of established mathematical institutions in the exclusion of minorities.

I play mostly jazz piano these days, although I was classically trained. I also played in an indie rock band for a year. I write mostly modernist music that’s dissonant and offensive sounding. My main influences are Bach, Bartok, Xenakis, and Messiaen.

I love to collaborate with people! Feel free to reach out to chat about my research, music, or anything else. I’ll try to keep this page updated with some of my various exploits, especially those that might be useful to other people, whether they be mathematical or non-mathematical.